War Poems about the Iraq War
Poem Friendly Fire
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War Poetry...

Friendly fire… oh how tragic

Friendly fire… oh so real

The realities of war are so brutal…

Death for friend and foe

Yet the fighting forwardly move…

In a culture of violence and evil

Friendly fire from the skies…

Friendly fire on the battlefield

Tears pour ceaselessly for fallen heroes…

Killed by ammunitions intended for the enemy

Loyal to the cause despite the risks…

Accepting the confrontation of death daily

Soldiers ready to battle… fighters to the end

Friendly fire… a heartbreaking affair

Friendly fire… a cost for peace

Society is missing another mom or dad…

Affecting children in a profoundly sad way

The price of war continues to mount…

Friendly fire is making its miscalculated contribution

Friendly fire… an unplanned mission…

On the minds of all with great caution… but still unavoidable



Dennis Dames

Nassau, The Bahamas


Bahamian Poems 

D A. Dames Love Poetry Domain

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