War Poems about the Iraq War
No one to blame but Peter Arnett
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Poem Peter Arnett's Folly... 

Peter Arnett has been fired from NBC…

After his moments of fame on Iraqi TV

He has since apologized…

For perhaps speaking his mind

Or was he a victim of the enemy’s intimidation?

No one knows…

But he is surely a casualty of the war

A member of the fighting media family…

Who just couldn’t help but fire his anti-coalition shots

His timing was terribly off…

Looking like a prisoner of war spilling his guts

Making a total fool of himself and his network…

As an American, he forgot where his loyalty was

Now he is a propaganda symbol for the enemy…

His foolish remarks will be played throughout the war

Something that he might live to regret…

Words that he has already eaten

Remarks that he is now repentant about…

He looked so embarrassed after the fact

Opportunity has overwhelmed his judgment…

He has created so many foes with that red rag in his mouth

On the enemy’s screen, he has wounded himself…

No one to blame but Peter Arnett



Dennis Dames

Nassau, The Bahamas


Bahamian Poetry

D A. Dames Love Poetry Domain

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