Lovers' Poetry and Odes of Love

Family Haiku
Lovers Love Poetry
Family Haiku

Island Haiku

Bahamian Haiku List

Bahamas Short Poems


Poet Dennis A. Dames





Mothers Haiku


True bearers of heirs…

The universe replenish

Mothers reverence…


©2003 Dennis A. Dames

Nassau, Bahamas





Fathers Haiku


Humanity Seeds…

Continue evolution

As fathers breed on…


©2003 Dennis A. Dames

Nassau, Bahamas




Grand Mothers Haiku


The Blessed Parents…

Of examples and wisdom

Grandmothers adored…


©2003 Dennis A. Dames

Nassau, Bahamas




Grand Fathers Haiku


Patriarch of kin…

Elders of the tribal lot

Great fathers supreme


©2003 Dennis A. Dames

Nassau, Bahamas



Island Poems

Island Poems of Love... and Quotes for Lovers... Poetic Bahamas... Island Love Poetry... With You in Mind